[Replay!] TBP 262: Breaking into 5.12 Climbing with Coach Alex Stiger

Date: May 29th, 2024

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SALE! 5.12 Breakthrough Series and Steep Climbing Workshop Bundle

If you’re trying to break into 5.12 climbing and you’re noticing that a lot of those 5.12’s are on steeper terrain than you’re accustomed to, we have just the thing for you.

30% Off Sale: Break Into Steep 5.12 Climbing

Coach Alex Stiger created a workshop and associated course all about how to systematically get better at steep climbing. And she created a SERIES of 5 talks about exactly what it takes to break into 5.12…

Both programs are on sale for 30% off right now until June 7th, 2024.

Normally they’re $136, but we’ve discounted them to $97 for you.

How to Break into 5.12 Climbing

This is an oldy but a goody! In this episode, which originally aired in January, 2023, I talk with Coach Alex Stiger about the most common mistakes amde by climbers who are trying to break into 5.12 climbing. Sending 5.12 is the most common goal among her clients, so she has quite a bit of experience with the minutiae of what it takes to do that.

She will share her personal experience of her first 5.12’s and what she learned from her trials and tribulations. She’ll then go into the mindset shifts that are required to jump into the coveted 5.12 territory, and how she helps people do that.

While you might predict that strength training is one of the main tools Alex uses with her clients in this situation, it is not, as she says it is very rare to find a person who is climbing 5.11 who can not climb 5.12 with the strength they already have.

So while we spend a few minutes talking about strength training, you’ll find compelling evidence in this episode that that may not be your issue. Here are some of the other topics we discuss:

  • Why technique and staying calm are so important
  • Honing the skill of resting
  • How to decrease intimidation of the grade
  • How to learn from your falling experiences
  • How to have more of a competition mindset
  • What to climb on in the gym if you’re trying to send 5.12
  • A better alternative to having a perfect pyramid before entering into 5.12 territory
  • Why repeating climbs that are sort of hard for you is an important strategy

We talk about a lot in this episode, and I highly recommend it if you’re at the 5.10 or 5.11 level, or if you’re just not consistently climbing 5.12’s and you’d like to. Even if you are climbing 5.12’s consistently, I think a lot of her tactics will help you!

Photo Credit

Photo of Nick Duttle on “Unga Bunga'” 5.12b in El Salto by Edwin Teran @edwinteran

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