TBP 283 :: Using Mindfulness to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in Climbing – Alex Bridgewater

Alex Bridgewater is a Sport Psychologist who works with climbers and other athletes to help them be the best person they can be. That work carries over into their sport to make them perform well and have a great time doing it. He uses mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment theory as part of his practice, and in this episode we dive into what that means.

Alex is also a climbing coach at ClimbStrong.com and has been for about 7 years. He recently finished his Master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology and now has a consulting business at www.InnerSourcePerformancePsychology.com, where you can work with him from anywhere in the world.

What We Talked About

  • How values play into climbing performance & training
  • How to incoproate joy and play into climbing
  • Mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment theory
  • Mindfulness in injuries
  • Mindfulness with fear in climbing
  • Mindfulness exercises
  • Who could use a sport psychologist

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Bonus: Uncut Video of the Interview

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