If you’ve been around climbing training, then you are probably familiar with campus training on a campus board. It is a highly effective form of power training that when done properly can produce some serious results. While using the campus board to train in this way is definitely valuable, another equally effective (and often more fun) option is to climb indoor boulder problems footless (boulder campusing) rather than use a campus board.
To explain exactly how boulder campusing is done properly, here’s an article by coach and trainer Eric Hörst of Training for Climbing. In the article, Hörst explains the benefits and draw backs of campusing on boulders rather than on a campus board as well as giving you some rules to follow so that you get stronger rather than getting injured.
“Boulder campusing is a popular indoor training exercise among advanced climbers—it’s also a heck of a lot of fun, if you’re strong enough to do it right! The goal is to ascend a section of overhanging wall by simply climbing hand-over-hand with no aid from the feet. This exercise is similar to campus board laddering, and the same injury warnings apply: Campusing with straight-arm “catches”, shrugged shoulders, and a caved-in chest will get you injured, likely sooner than later.” – Eric Hörst
Boulder Campusing
Beyond simply explaining why campusing boulders can be an effective form of training, Hörst also outlines how you can use boulder campusing to train either maximum power or power endurance. Whether you plan on campusing on boulders or on a campus board, these guidelines are important to keep in mind so you make sure you are targeting the right energy system.
One quick disclaimer!
As Hörst states above, campusing whether on a campus board or on boulders can be dangerous. Follow his rules and always make sure proper form is your priority! To make this even easier to understand, Hörst includes a video of Alex Megos boulder campusing as a demonstration of proper form. You can watch the video and read the full article by clicking through below!
Full Article: Training4Climbing – Boulder Campusing
(video still courtesy of trainingforclimbing.com)
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