Does this sound familiar at all?

– It’s HARD to figure out what to eat to feel good

– Your energy levels and sleep quality are not great

– You’re confused about what is healthy and what is not

– Your digestion just feels off a lot of the time

– Getting your food prepping situation set up is too overwhelming

– You aren’t recovering from exercise like you want to

– Your climbing sessions are cut short because you lose energy 

– You don’t know what to eat at the crag

– You have some extra fat you’d like to lose

If this is YOU, you’re in the right place. Nutrition coaching might be just the thing for you.

Psssst… What You Eat Affects Your Energy Levels and Your Climbing Performance.

Whether you’re just starting out even thinking about your diet or you’ve been logging and experimenting for a while, here’s the truth:

Eating the right foods at the right times is one of the most impactful things you can do for your athletic performance and overall health.

But, like hundreds of my past nutrition clients and students, you might have trouble staying consistent with your diet or you don’t even know where to start.

If that’s the case, I can help you, and I have a few options for you below. 

Are you ready to capitalize on the low-hanging fruit that’s proven to improve health and performance, gives you more energy all day every day, and helps you reach your climbing goals?

Nutrition Coaching Options for Rock Climbers



A self-paced recorded program with 4+ video hours of nutrition info + meal planning templates. This will help you gain energy, lose fat, fuel properly for climbing, and feel more empowered in your food choices. Let me take you through the process I go through with my clients – just at your own pace. Payment plan is available.



We can get a LOT done in one hour. I will get a ton of background information, look over your diet log, and make concrete suggestions about the precise, easy changes you can make to your diet for more energy, better digestion, and stronger climbing performance. 



Continuous one-on-one support from me for one month via 2 video calls plus email check-ins throughout. I’ll do diet log analyses, give you specific guidance on what to eat, how much, and when, answer all of your questions, and keep you accountable. We’ll do some deep education on what to eat, when, and most importantly, the reasons behind it all so you can make informed choices moving forward.



Everything in Nourish plus a 60-minute coaching call with me to personalize the program to your goals and situation. This is for you if you want to learn about nutrition and fine tune & optimize your own diet. A payment plan is available.

A Little More About My Nutrition Services

Nourish Program

Nourish is a self-paced program comprised of 4+ hours of videos made by me, PDF guides, and meal plan templates. It is a proven nutrition program for climbers where you’ll learn to gain more energy, recover more quickly, and reach your body composition goals through sustainable diet changes.

This is a program I created to help as many climbers as I could, and it has been extremely successful. There is no live coaching from me in the program itself, but you can opt to purchase coaching with me when you purchase the program. More information about the program can be found by clicking the button below. Payment plans are available. 

Here’s what one of my students had to say after taking the course:

Thanks for all the awesome hard work you put into the program. I feel like you set us up for success to support a healthier climbing life and live better in general. Things I got immediately from this program is a wealth of knowledge on how food functions for the athletic type and how to use macros and meal timing to fuel ourselves properly. You’ve taken all my confusion about food and managed to make it mostly understandable, so thank you.

1-Month Coaching Package ($357)

This package will help you change your diet in a sustainable way in order to reach your health and climbing goals with support throughout the month from me. The month package tends to keep people accountable because of the weekly contact we have.

  • 2 Video Consults
  • Email support throughout the month
  • Detailed instructions on how much food to eat, when to eat it, and in what macronutrient proportions
  • Meal planning templates
  • Fueling and recovery optimization

What to Expect

Week 1:

We’ll have our first 75-minute Skype conversation and I’ll get an idea of your current situation and your goals. I’ll make clear suggestions about changes to make and give you a written summary of what we discussed.

Week 2:

We’ll have an email check-in where I’ll answer any questions you have and make further suggestions.

Week 3: 

We’ll have another 60-minute conversation and we’ll make further tweaks if necessary.

Week 4: 

We’ll do a final email check-in.

After that, you’ll either go out on your own or continue with another month with me. Usually my clients end up doing 1-3 months of nutrition coaching.

You can expect to see results within 1 to 4 weeks, depending on your situation. It’s surprising – even to me sometimes – how quickly people’s bodies respond to proper nutrition and fueling. I’ve seen people who struggle to get up V4’s send many V6’s after just 3 weeks of working together. I’ve also seen people lose 20 pounds over 4 months or 5 pounds over a month, but most of all I watch people gain a lot more energy than they had prior to working together.

After you purchase the package, you’ll receive an email with further instructions and a link to my calendar to schedule your first video call.

Email me for more info at

1-Hour Nutrition Consult ($195)

During our time together, I’ll get to know who you are, what your goals are, and then give you suggestions you can implement right away. We’ll go into details about calories, carbs, protein, fat, and sugar, as well as meal timing and recovery fueling. We’ll discuss the differences between how you should eat on non-exercise days vs. exercise days.

I’ll answer any questions you have about how to meal prep, what to bring to the crag, and what your meals and snacks should look like in general. You’ll receive a detailed email from me shortly after our session with all of my suggestions.

What Results to Expect

Normally, I see clients 1 to 4 times over the course of 1 to 3 months, so if you need further help after our initial conversation, you are welcome to sign up for another hour with me later.

You can expect to see results within 1 to 4 weeks, depending on your situation. It’s surprising – even to me sometimes – how quickly people’s bodies respond to proper nutrition and fueling. I’ve seen people who struggle to get up V4’s send many V6’s after just 3 weeks of working together. I’ve also seen people lose 20 pounds over 4 months or 5 pounds over a month, but most of all I watch people gain a lot more energy than they had prior to working together.

After you purchase the consult, you’ll receive an email with a link to my calendar to schedule your video call. You’ll also receive some documents to fill out and instructions on how to log your diet for a few days before we have our call. If you are not emotionally ok with logging your diet, that’s totally fine – we’ll work around that. For more info, email me at

I Understand How You Feel…

I started off my climbing career as a very low-energy person with an extra 20 pounds I’d put on in college. My climbing plateaued at 5.12a for almost a decade. 

I had no idea what I was doing with food. In fact, I didn’t even realize it had much to do with how I felt, climbed, or looked.

But I went to nutrition school, tried every diet, experimented with my macros and food sensitivities and did the same with my clients.

As a result, I lost that extra fat I was carrying around and VASTLY improved my energy levels, my digestion, and overall health.

I went from barely being able to send 5.12a in many sessions to sending my first 5.13c in 8 tries, all within two years of really figuring things out.

I went from feeling completely trashed after my sessions to feeling better second day on than on my first, all fueled by a diet that allowed me to climb more, recover faster, and be more mentally focused.

The nutrition methods I landed on are what I use myself, and what have worked for my clients, and it’s exactly what I teach in Nourish and in my one-on-one coaching.

Qualifications and Experience

After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Zoology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, I did a 4-year program in Longmont, CO called Seven Bowls School of Nutrition, Nourishment, and Healing for holistic nutrition. I graduated in 2007 as a Certified Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist. During those 4 years, I learned about not only nutrition, but herbs, homeopathy, and other alternative practices. I’ve been seeing clients since 2007 and I’ve worked with exclusively climbers since 2013.

PALEO NOTE: While a lot of my experience below is Paleo nutrition focused, I do not usually recommend Paleo to my climber clients due to the fact that most people don’t need to eat Paleo, and it’s quite difficult to follow. I try to make the least amount of changes to people’s diets in order to create the greatest amount of sustainable changes, so don’t be scared away by the Paleo references below!

Further Education and Experience

  • Was on 2 training panels at the International Climbers’ Festival in Lander, WY
  • Co-organized and created an event attended online by over 250,000 registrants, For Women Only: The Weight Loss Solution
  • Have led nutrition seminars online for hundreds of people
  • Have seen hundreds of clients either in person or via Skype.
  • Was an instructor at Bauman College (a certificate program for nutrition)
  • Attend various functional medicine and ancestral health conferences and seminars

My Personal Bio

I’m the owner of and the host of The TrainingBeta Podcast. I live in Longmont, Colorado with my husband and co-founder of TrainingBeta, Seth, and our dog, Willa. I’ve been climbing for 20+ years and I’ve worked with my diet extensively to figure out proper fueling and recovery for optimal climbing performance. Partly due to those efforts, I’ve sent up to 5.13c sport climbs and V9 boulders. For more info about who I am as a climber and a person, check out my personal bio.

Am I A Good Fit For You?

Below are the people who I generally work with. If you don’t see yourself on the list anywhere, please just email me to see if I can help.

  • people who want to lose weight
  • people who want more energy throughout the day and during workouts
  • climbers who want to perform better
  • anyone wanting help starting Paleo or AIP
  • vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, omnivores
  • people who just want to know what it means to eat well
  • people who need support with food sensitivities
  • people with fatigue, digestive issues, and blood sugar problems
  • people with disordered eating and body dysmorphia

Over the years, I’ve realized that I really like working with athletes like myself who want to be as healthy as they can be so they can climb harder, run faster, or whatever it is they’re trying to do.

If you’re still wondering about whether I’m a good fit for your nutrition needs, here’s a video of me explaining what it’s like to work with me, who I generally see, and what kinds of results I usually see with people.


Here are some testimonials below from people who’ve worked with me.

Jonathan Siegrist, Professional Rock Climber

Being both a professional athlete and an ethical vegetarian is not easy. Neely helped me identify what areas of my diet were lacking and how I could improve both recovery time and athletic performance without compromising my ethical choice. She addressed a number of misconceptions I, and many others like me, have about proper nutrition and informed not only my weekly shopping list, but also my attitude towards food. I direct all of my diet and nutrition related questions to Neely, and I always receive a direct and thorough response.

Jen, Rock Climber

I initially consulted Neely concerning a sensitive stomach and quickly learned the daily discomfort I had come to accept was neither normal nor necessary. Neely’s educational approach and dedication to me as a client has enabled me to establish a solid understanding of my body’s nutritional needs and create a diet that works for me.

Paige Claassen, Professional Rock Climber

Neely worked with me through struggles with protein deficiency, low energy, and fatigue to improve not only my rock climbing performance but also my daily well being and happiness. Her honest and straight forward approach to nutrition, combined with the extensive research and data she uses to back her philosophies, allowed me to understand what my body needs. I trust her advice because she doesn’t just tell me what I need to change, she shows me and uses her past experiences as a basis for this informative nutritional journey. Neely understands the uniqueness of each person’s needs and she compassionately works to inform each person of the wide range of nutritional options available.

Katarina, Nourish Program Student

I actually managed to send my first 5.13a (7c+) the other day, which was a total surprise. It was a grade harder than I had set my project goal for the year, so that was pretty fantastic! I’m sure that better nutrition helped me to feel stronger and perhaps more rested to do that.

Catherine, Nourish Program Student

Thanks for all the awesome hard work you put into the program. I feel like you set us up for success to support a healthier climbing life and live better in general. Things I got immediately from this program is a wealth of knowledge on how food functions for the athletic type and how to use macros and meal timing to fuel ourselves properly. You’ve taken all my confusion about food and managed to make it mostly understandable, so thank you.

Sascha Anastas, Rock Climber

Neely’s level of commitment to my success as her client was immediate. I had turned to her after seeing many different allopathic and homeopathic providers with no results. Without judgment of any of my prior treatments I had pursued, Neely was quick yet thorough in coming up with a nutrition plan aimed to correct my poor health. She was always available to answer my questions or concerns and responded promptly. Her commitment to me was further demonstrated as she stayed with me through the past year and a half as I went in and out of issues pertaining to my diet. Neely always made it known that she was there to support me.

Elyn L., Rock Climber

Over the last 1 ½ years I was being treated by a doctor and though I did have some improvement in the beginning, I had plateaued and was starting to have increased migraines again. I started following the guidance of Ms. Neely Quinn only 4 months ago. She did some testing and with the results was able to get me on a diet that no longer contains foods that my system is sensitive to. Over the first 2 months I saw slow improvements but have noticed now that I no longer worry about when my migraines will be showing up. I was having migraines at least once a week and I HAVEN’T HAD ONE IN TWO MONTHS!

I also have had problems for over 10 years with constipation and since following Ms. Quinn’s plan, I have been able to get off stool softeners and I’m finally able to start healing my gut. Thank you Neely for allowing me to finally start living my life instead of avoiding everything that “might” give me a migraine, or worrying about when my next migraine would be!

Stephanie Loveless, Rock Climber

Since I was little I have had digestive issues. As an adult I began to experience worse symptoms that expanded beyond digestion. Finally, I started down the path of nutrition on my own–with a lot of guesswork. When I realized I had no idea what I was doing I started seeing a nutritionist in September of 2010. She made some great suggestions but also put me on a bunch of supplements that were not only expensive but made me feel bad–still using guesswork. Once I started reading Neely’s blog, I realized I needed to make her my nutritionist.

She is quite brilliant. What I like about Neely is that she takes both a holistic and scientific approach to nutrition–eliminating the guesswork. I threw out the expensive supplements and began following Neely’s advice. Already I feel a lot better. With the help of Neely, I am beginning a food sensitivity elimination diet to help pinpoint my food sensitivities and symptoms. Neely’s support is really what I needed to feel hopeful that I will get better and also to keep me motivated and on track. She offers a practical and realistic approach that anyone can benefit from.

If you want to reap these same benefits by properly changing your diet, just purchase a package above or email me at and we’ll talk about the best option for you. 

Want Something Quick and Simple?

If all of this is a bit much for you and you just want to take a quick recorded class on nutrition for climbers, I have 3 of those to choose from for just $49 each.

  • Healthy Weight Management Class
  • Eating for Optimal Energy Levels Class
  • Optimizing a Plant-Based Diet Class

Check those out if you just want to start somewhere and don’t want to invest much at this point. These classes have helped hundreds of people quickly dial in their nutrition.

Learn about the Classes

Free NUTRITION Mini-Course for Climbers

I’ll send you a comprehensive email about the 5 most important nutrition topics for climbers:

  • How to decrease sugar cravings
  • How to eat for recovery
  • Supplements for climbers
  • How to easily increase protein
  • How to stay accountable

Get the email sequence right away by subscribing below.


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