TBP 270: Sport Psychology Coach Zoe Sayetta on Mental Training for Youth Teams and Adults

Zoe Sayetta is an independent youth and adult climbing coach in New York and she has her masters in sport psychology. She loves working with youth climbers, especially on their mindset, and she has a private practice as a sport psychology coach for youth and adults. I asked her to be on the show so we could talk about the most common things she sees in her team and her clients and how she helps them all have a healthier, more productive mindset in climbing.

Here’s what we talked about:

  • How to foster growth mindset vs fixed mindset
  • How to deal with emotional regulation in teens
  • How to teach kids (or anyone) to try hard
  • Productive vs unhealthy self-talk
  • How to coach someone to want success but not identify with it
  • Social comparison
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Using visualization for physical and emotional practice
  • Lots more

Listen on iTunes or Spotify

Bonus: World Cup Climbers’ Superpowers, What It Takes to Be a Good Coach, & Who Should Work with Kids?

In a bonus episode for subscribers on Apple Podcasts and Patreon, I asked Zoe some burning questions I’ve had about the differences between World Cup climbers and the general population – what sets them apart mentally? And we talk about the fact that she is not the strongest climber in the world and yet she’s a very good coach, so what’s the deal with that? Do you have to be a strong athlete to be a good coach? And we discussed who should be qualified to work with kids on youth teams because it shouldn’t be just anyone…

You can find all of that bonus content and the uncut, ad-free video and audio versions of the episode on my Patreon page.

Work with One of the TrainingBeta Coaches

Both Matt Pincus and Alex Stiger are currently taking new coaching clients! Both of them help climbers from all over the world get stronger and more skillful at climbing. If you work with them for a month of training and coaching, this is what you can expect:

  • Introductory zoom call to get all of your details, goals, strengths, injuries, etc
  • Create a training plan that you’ll access via the TrueCoach app
  • Contact throughout the month either on zoom or on TrueCoach for encouragement and tweaks to the plan
  • Clearly laid out instructions about what to do in your indoor and outdoor sessions
  • You’ll gain strength, tactics, and confidence in your climbing abilities

If you want Matt or Alex to help you with your climbing, whether they’re with bouldering or route climbing, click the link below to get started.

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    Nutrition 101 for Climbers

    I’ll send you emails about the 5 most important nutrition topics for climbers:

    • Decrease sugar cravings
    • How to eat for recovery
    • Supplements for climbers
    • How to easily increase protein
    • How to stay accountable

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