TBP 272 :: Charlie Schreiber Coaches Me on My Climbing and Training

Charlie Schreiber is a climbing coach at ParadigmClimbing.com (his own coaching business), and he was recently on the show a few episodes ago. In that episode, we talked about overtraining, how not to do it, and his journey out of overtraining. He’s great. After that episode was done recording, we were chatting about my own climbing and training and we decided we should do a coaching session with him as my coach!

So we recorded it right then and there. That was a couple months ago and I’m just getting around to publishing it. He asked me a lot of clarifying questions to figure out how to create a training program for me, which he did the day after this conversation (links below to see that program).

What we talked about:

  • My goals with climbing
  • My experience with training – what has worked and not worked
  • My weaknesses and strengths
  • What I WANT to be climbing
  • How to get me to 5.13c again
  • What holds me back in my climbing
  • How my age (46) plays into my goals
  • How my height has informed my climbing

My Training Program from Charlie

Charlie created a detailed training program for me with some educational content included in it. He sent them in google docs that are freely available:

Updates After the Coaching Session

The spoiler is that I did NOT end up using Charlie’s program for me yet because I was having so much fun climbing  outside that I didn’t train at all in the gym this summer. However, I will consider using it in October. I did take what he said to heart, though, and made some changes to what I was projecting outside and had some success this summer, which you can hear all about at the end of the episode 🙂

Listen on iTunes or Spotify

Bonus: Uncut Video of the Coaching Session

If you want to watch us talk on video rather than listen, you can do that (with no ads, intro, or outro) on Patreon!

Work with One of the TrainingBeta Coaches

Matt Pincus is currently taking new coaching clients! He helps climbers from all over the world get stronger and more skillful at climbing. If you work with him for a month of training and coaching, this is what you can expect:

  • Introductory zoom call to get all of your details, goals, strengths, injuries, etc
  • Create a training plan that you’ll access via the TrueCoach app
  • Contact throughout the month either on zoom or on TrueCoach for encouragement and tweaks to the plan
  • Clearly laid out instructions about what to do in your indoor and outdoor sessions
  • You’ll gain strength, tactics, and confidence in your climbing abilities

If you want Matt to help you with your climbing, whether it’s in bouldering or route climbing, click the link below to get started.

Create a Training Program for Yourself

Learn the 4 fundamentals of program creation in this FREE 4-day email mini-course and have a fully built program by the end.

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    • Decrease sugar cravings
    • How to eat for recovery
    • Supplements for climbers
    • How to easily increase protein
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