Strength Training Blog Posts
Hangboard Ladders with Steve Bechtel
At this point, most climbers understand that using a hangboard is the best way to build finger strength. However, while hangboards are simple tools, using them properly and with minimal risk of injury is a little more complicated. To help you [...]
Ben Davison Training Videos
Over the past several weeks, Epic TV has been posting a series of training videos featuring UK strongman Ben Davison. In the videos, Ben takes you through most of his training program beginning with his warm up and antagonist training and [...]
The Scapular Pull-up
Shoulders are one of the most commonly injured body parts in climbing. However, if you put in the time and use the correct exercises, most shoulder injuries are preventable. Ultimately, one of the most overlooked exercises that will go a [...]
Strength Session Design
More and more climbers are starting to incorporate some traditional strength training movements into their climbing training. Deadlifting is the perfect example as it is becoming more and more popular with climbers. However, for most climbers the structure of a [...]
The Science of Warming Up
As climbers, we tend to focus on the parts of our sessions where we get to try our hardest because they are the most fun. While it is definitely good to enjoy these parts of climbing, it is extremely important [...]
Crux Crush – Learn to Dyno
For many climbers, attempting to learn to dyno or move dynamically can feel difficult and counterintuitive. However, while it may feel unnatural and awkward at first, effectively being able to dyno, use momentum, and not always climb statically are important [...]
Climbing Training Tips from the Pros
Many climbers think that the main thing that separates the top climbing pros from the rest of us is their genetic ability. However, while natural ability does play a part, one of the main things that allows the pros to climb [...]
5 Reasons Why Stronger Fingers Matter
Here at TrainingBeta, we post a lot of articles about how to improve your finger strength. We have covered numerous different hangboard routines, which hangboards are our favorite, and how to improve finger strength for different grips. However, while following a [...]
The Perfect Climbing Warm-Up
Properly warming up for a climbing or training session is extremely important. Your warm-up allows you to ready your body and mind to try their hardest and put forth the serious efforts required for sending your projects. However, finding your [...]
Why Do I Suck At Climbing Some Days?!? Part 3: Efficient Training
A lot of the articles we post on the TrainingBeta blog focus on a new exercise or workout you can add into your training in the hopes they will make you stronger and help you climb harder. However, while these [...]