Climbing Magazine – 4 Tips for Overcoming the Frustration of Failure
There's a lot of failure in climbing. Sure, it would be great if climbing was all clipping chains and toping out boulders, but in reality climbing anything truly difficult for you requires a lot of falling and failing. Even for climbers who have been through the projecting process many times [...]
Hang Right – Part 3: Healing Nagging Finger Injuries
Finger tweaks: if you climb long enough, you've almost definitely had one. Let's face it. Injuring a finger sucks when it happens, but it sucks, even more, when months down the line you are still dealing with the same nagging finger injuries. This situation of having a finger injury linger [...]
Dan Mirsky – The Projecting Process
If you watch videos of the top climbers on their hardest redpoints, their climbing is incredibly precise as they flow straight through difficult sequence after difficult sequence. The send can even look effortless. However, what you are not seeing in these movements is the entire projecting process and all the [...]
Top 5 Injury Prevention Articles
Rock climbing and training for climbing is hard on our bodies. An unfortunate fact is that if you do it long enough chances are you are going to get injured. However, another fact is that through effective injury prevention work most climbing injuries are preventable. Injury prevention work should be [...]
V-Points – A Climbing Tracking App
One of the fundamental principles of training is that it needs to be measurable. Measuring your training lets you can gradually increase the load to ensure you are continually overloading your system. However, with climbing, getting accurate measurements can be a little tricky. The reason for this is that workouts [...]
DryPointe Shoe Insert Review
Let's face it. Nobody likes the feeling of strapping on a pair of still-wet-from-yesterday climbing shoes. It's just gross and the ensuing odor can make it rather unpleasant for your climbing partners as well. As it turns out, letting your climbing shoes exists in a permanent state of sweaty dampness is [...]
FrictionLabs: Intro to Campus Board Training
Things like the campus board, the fingerboard, and systems walls are training tools. As with all tools, they only work if they are used properly. To help you learn exactly what the campus board is and how to use it properly, here's an article from the FrictionLabs blog. "A campus [...]
Transcript Highlight: Paige Claassen on Your First Time Up a Project
When we watch videos of professional climbers sending super hard routes, it's easy to be amazed at their ability to confidently climb through such sustained sections of incredibly hard climbing. Sometimes, the send even looks effortless. However, what these send videos don't show is that projecting is a process even [...]
Paul Robinson Training Video
Paul Robinson is one of world's top boulders. He has traveled extensively around the world putting up world class first ascents and repeating difficult test pieces. When you look at climbers who get to travel as much as Paul does, it can be easy to think he simply spends all [...]
Bouldering Training: Free Recovery Workout
A huge part of successfully training for climbing is discipline. Most of the time we think about that as the discipline to head into the gym and consistently try our hardest. While this is obviously the most important part of training, we also need to keep in mind that not [...]