Natasha Barnes: Concepts for Managing Training Stress in Climbing
At this point, we should all know that improving at climbing requires us to train hard, but also give ourselves enough time to recover from the stress of that training. Chiropractor and sports injury rehabilitation specialist Natasha Barnes recently wrote an article going into more detail about these concepts of the stress/recovery/adaption [...]
Climbing Nutrition: Sugar Guidelines for Climbers
As climbers, we often try to both improve the quality of our diet and restrict our caloric intake in an effort to either lose or maintain our body weight. There's nothing wrong with these goals as long as they are not taken too far. However, whether we are altering our [...]
Rock and Ice: Climbing Fuel and Hydration
Rock and Ice is running a climbing nutrition series featuring sports dietitian and personal trainer Marisa Michael. We recently shared the first article in the series which covered snacks that you can use for quick energy at the crag. While giving your body quick and accessible climbing fuel is definitely important, [...]
Michaela Tracy: Training – Enough is Enough
Recently we posted an article by Natasha Barnes about the stress/recovery/adaptation cycle and its role in training for climbing. The gist of Natasha's article is that if we want our training to make us stronger, we need to give our bodies a chance to recover and adapt to the stresses [...]
Route Climbing Training: Free Endurance Workout
Winter is coming to an end and spring is right around the corner. For many of us, this means it's almost outdoor route climbing season. Whether you've spent your winter bouldering or training, chances are you're due for an endurance tune-up. To help, here's a free endurance workout from the TrainingBeta [...]
Natasha Barnes: Stress/Recovery/Adaptation Cycle and Climbing
Overuse injuries are a common problem in climbers. We all want to get stronger, climb every day, reach our goals, and continue progressing through the grades. However, the problem is for most of us our psyche and desire to climb outpaces our ability to recover from the stresses climbing places [...]
Rock and Ice: Crag Snacks
We all know that we need to eat to properly fuel our bodies. Despite this knowledge, many of us still drastically under fuel ourselves on climbing days. Not having enough crag snacks can quickly sabotage performance, lead to much shorter climbing days, and cut into your recovery efforts. Eating enough while [...]
Climb Strong: How Hard Do You Try?
Most of us feel like we try hard in our climbing. But how hard do you try? Are you really giving 100% or are you staying somewhere in your comfort zone? Questioning how hard you try isn't a comfortable thing. However, how hard you try is something that is completely [...]
Integrated Strength Workouts with Butora and Gnarly Nutrition
There's a lot of training information out there. We're fully guilty of adding to it. Having all this information is great, but it can be hard to know how to put it all together into effective workouts and more importantly into effective long-term training programs. However, we feel there are [...]
3 Diet Changes to Improve Your Climbing (and Overall Health)
It's Neely here, and today I'm going to talk to you about how nutrition can affect climbers and how to improve your diet starting right now. If you feel like you need help in this department, I'm taking new clients right now for the first time in 4 months. ---> [...]