“I’m really bad at sticking to a training program. That’s not to say I never train. Sometimes I’ll go out in the garage and get wrecked on the campus board if it’s raining outside and I can’t do some ‘real’ climbing. I’ll never do crunches though, ever. I have a sloppy core and crunches make me want to vomit so I don’t do them.” -Mikey Williams
How are you at motivating yourself to train? Is your training sporadic? Do you shy away from your weaknesses? Or is it simply that you’re unsure of what you should be doing to really specifically train for climbing?
“Part of my laziness toward training comes from the fact that to properly train, I’d have to read books and become an expert on the subject to design a plan for myself. I’ve tried that before too. Most training books include a lot of talk about periodization, phases, and other scientific jargon that I’d rather not wade through. It’d be nice to have a coach that looks me over once, flicks my gut, maybe pinches the skin flap under my tricep, and just tells me what to do to get better. But coaches cost a pretty penny.” -Mikey Williams
We’re here to help. We have training programs designed to do the planning for you and we have a variety of programs to choose from depending on your goals. (Our most recent program just came out yesterday! It’s a Route Climbing Training Program).
This article from dpmclimbing.com is a review of our Bouldering Strength and Power Program, written by Mikey Williams. He talks about his experience with the program from day one (you get a 14-day free trial period). He describes how it works and how he found it simple to follow….
“What makes these programs stand apart from other training books is the clearly-defined “do-this-then-this” format. As long as you’re injury free and prepared to work hard, you don’t need any knowledge of training to begin your personal program. Will these programs make you a better climber? That’s up to you.“
Training is hard work but the results are worth it.
So, in case you’re feeling unsure about our new Route Climbing Training Program (or our other programs), check out this review of Mikey’s experience with the Bouldering Power and Strength Program. Both programs are designed the same way- three new workouts per week. The workouts and drills are scalable to any level of difficulty, so it’ll help no matter how hard you currently climb.
Thanks for the review Mikey!
CLICK HERE: dpmclimbing.com Review: Bouldering Strength and Power Program
(link no longer available)
(photo courtesy of dpmclimbing.com)
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